Monday, September 8, 2014


unfortunately am not very experienced in this role so i will just explain what you generally do playing a jungler means that you must help all your team mates by ganking them and such the jungle has 6 kinds of monster camps which are wight which is the big wraith and blue buff which is the big golem with a blue circle under him wolves and the small wraiths  and red buff which is the big lizard with the  red circle under it and golems blue buff grants cool down reduction and mana regen red buff grants a slow effect and a damage over time which is really helpful for low lvl ganks

How to play Mage/ Assassins

These Champions usually use ability power damage usually referred to as APC or Ability power carries as they are the second damage out put to your team usually in this lane you just farm as much as you can and do as much damage in team fights

How to play Marksman or ADC

in this role you need to focus on farming/last hitting minions alot to help you snow ball into the game so you can do alot of damage this role is very complicated and hard as it requires skill to be played and i unfortunately can help you alot with it 

How to play Bruisers/Fighters (top lane)

these guys are melee champions who can be very tankythis role can be considered one of the easier roles in lol the way you play them is that you just farm and last hit minions to get the gold from them and ward to avoid ganks and just build tanky because it's your job to tank cc and damage from your team example: Garen - Tryndamere 
League of Legends Support Guide
there are 2 main types of supports in league of legends aggressive and sustain supports 
Aggressive supports
they are supports who have alot of initiates and cc that make getting kills easier for the adc like braum and blitzcrank these supports are usually tanky
Sustain Supports
they are supports who have a kind of heal and very high poke to help your adc these supports are great in sustain meaning that any damage they would take from the opposing enemy would be just negated by the heals examle; sona - soraka
How Supports are generally played 
the first thing you wanna do is never take any creeps from your adc as you will be making the game harder for them because as a support you don't need gold 
second you must focus on warding bushes that are in the game to avoid ganks 
third you must ward major objectives like dragon(grants the team gold upon killing) baron nashor
(Grants the Team a Major buff)
fourth as a sustain support you must always support your team as a tank support you be always tanking all your enemy team's cc and damage for your allies
League of Legends Explanation 
league of legends is a MOBA it plays a lot like an RTS game except you only control one champion at a time right now i will go over the roles in league of legends
1. support (tank/caster)(bot lane) example: Alistar Tank - Soraka Caster
2. bruiser/fighter (Tank/melee)(Top lane) example;Garen Tank-Tryndamere Melee
3. Mage/Assasins (Casters/melee)(Mid lane) example:Annie Caster - Katarina Assassin
4. Marksman (Ranged Attack Damage Carry or ADC)(Bot lane/w support) example: Ashe - Caitlyn
these Marksmans are called attack damage carries or adc because they do the most damage in the team resulting in them "carrying" you to victory this role isn't very easy to play
5. Jungler (Tank/Fighter)(Jungle) example; warwick -Jax - Master yi
these champions usally have high mobilty or high Crowd Control (Stuns,Roots,Etc) they stay in the jungle clearing jungle mobs to level and gank lanes to help them push and get kills
this was the very basic role definitions in league of legends.
League of Legends
Today i have started playing league of legends
if you wanna start playing this amazing game like i did please join this link i play on the north america server i will have some tips and tricks on how to start playing the game if you really wanna start getting into it i hope you enjoy the game and while you're at it when your creating the account if asked who referred you please type my name Summoner Name: Karimamrkimo Server: North America